What were the most life-changing moments for Joyce?

Judith Ksepka
When she became sick with asthma and COPD.

What would Joyce say is the secret to a long and happy life?

Judith Ksepka
Take care of your health. Talk good about people and get along with others.

What words of comfort can you offer Joyce's family and friends?

Judith Ksepka
Joyce is at peace now. Remember the good things about her and how she loved you all.

What six words best describe Joyce?

Judith Ksepka
Beautiful, quiet, pleasant, loved her family.

What objects most remind you of Joyce? Have photos?

Judith Ksepka
Farkle, cooking certain food dishes that she gave me the recipes for.

What are your best memories of time together?

Judith Ksepka
When I would come over on Sundays and we would sit and talk about old times when we were younger. Lots of memories and laughs.

What do you most want people in the future to know about Joyce?

Judith Ksepka
She was a good person and I never heard her talk bad about anyone.

If you could send Joyce a message now, what would you say?

Judith Ksepka
I know that you're up there with the rest of the family. So you watch over me and help me be a better person.

How would Joyce most want to be remembered?

Judith Ksepka
That she was a beautiful person and lady.
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